Sergei TSAPENKO, International expert category member of the Union of Writers of Russia and Moscow, Member Pen Club
Around the world there are many areas of collecting.People collect everything. That passion includes all sectors of human society, from heads of state, politicians, businessmen, doctors, lawyers, housewives and children.
Collecting - this is a special world. Collectors - special people. They are all united by passion, the various objects - from the labels, stamps, coins and autographs, before military equipment: tanks, aircraft, military uniforms and awards. That gathering of military history, and called in the language of professionals - militaria. "Russian America" tried to highlight the most striking developments in the world of art, history, auction and international models.
On numerous letters grateful readers in a newspaper editorial sent journalistic landing at one of the most interesting and unusual events in the life of our modern society
-- International military camp collectors - The Max Show, which took place in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA in October 2007. As a professional expert in the field of military antiques, I participate in the auctions, collectors gathering of international congresses and antiquities since 1990 in the United States. First Max Show in which I have to participate - an anniversary gathering of collectors of military from all over the world in the city of Baltimore in 1990. Arriving from a country surrounded by the Iron Curtain, I was struck by the fact that I saw. As one of the founders of and participants in the Kiev and Moscow collectors clubs, with experience in similar events in the Soviet Union, I was struck by the difference, and the impact of these developments on society.
In the former Soviet Union had been taken to collect stamps, coins (coins gathering of drag metal punishable by law, article 80 of the Criminal Code of the USSR, from 3 to 8 years). In a country brought up on the ideas of Lenin and Stalin and who has lived in the developed socialism, there are many prohibitions dictated by the top authorities - the communist party. Overthrowing the monarchy and democratic government in Russia, the Communists come to power acted method "grab booty." Many of the world's masterpieces of art have been destroyed, melted or sold to the West. All military awards imperial Russia and the Provisional Government had been banned. In the first years of Soviet gold and silver for a pittance bought, traded or confiscated from Russian people in Soviet Trade places ( Skupka) and Torgsin . Hungry people were forced to change the masterpieces of world art and works of the great Russian masters of bread and food to survive. Aristocratic people, for the most part has been destroyed and dissolved in a new generation of Soviet people.
Before Soviet revolution in Russia was very much collectors. Large donations were made and the legacy of leading Russian museums exactly collector. My grandfather - generic Cossack collected antique weapons and coins. The weapons during Soviet rule should donate many government decrees.
Therefore, the most computer could not be considered.
In the USSR weapons collected only unit from the top of the party, those for whom the laws of the Soviets did not operate.
In America, however, based on existing laws allowed not only to collect and sovremenoe antique weapons, but also military equipment, thereby preserving priceless historical rarities.
Visiting the first military camp in the United States and seeing that collectors collect, sell dealer, I was shocked by the democratic achievements of the Free World. Since then, and started collecting my study in America and annual visits Max Show.
I once participated in many expositions and fairs, won high awards.
The most significant event in my life was the organization and holding of the exhibition "History of Cossacks," for which the judicial decision of the International Jury, I was awarded the prize "Grand Prix" - for the most valuable international exhibition.
As many years of superior class international expert in military antiques, I was able to appreciate the participants in the camp Max Show-2007 held in America.
This is the biggest show in a world where exposed to two thousand participating from all over the world.
Thousands of advance planning wishing to visit this crucial event. Gathering opens on Friday, at 8 am for participants and 9 hours to the public. Leaving all their cases, collectors from all continents come for a few days and took the turn at the entrance well before opening.
Many brought with exhibits from museums and private collections for the exchange, consultations, studies and expertise.
The show was held in two rooms at once - East and West Lawn. Walk past the tables all in one day is impossible - presence multifaceted exhibit of all times, wars and people so much that for a long time stops attention experienced collectors and museum professionals. That choice of books to the public, presented at the gathering on topics of interest to military history, surprised even amateurs and owners of private libraries.
Books, mostly buying visitors from abroad because Every year published more than one hundred books on various subjects collectibles.
In America, the existence of a sound library is considered a good contribution and positive effects.
Unfortunately, the book Expensive every year because the circulation of many publications is not sufficient to meet the needs of readers' interests-eral new information, but the main fotoindentifikatsiey on specific examples and topics.
Among collectors all over the world are valued books - encyclopedias, and determinants of antiquities issued in the United States as it saturated illustrations and useful information.
In Russia, such a book publishing house issued "Avers" under the leadership of Vladimir Krivtsov. It has issued a series of published books to help collectors, which is not only a description of the subject and photography, but also escorts appraised value, which is helpful to understand the state of affairs in the antiques market.
Books imprint "Avers" from the series "Five and Six" willingly sold and Max Show-2007 were presented to many of the leading book dealers.
So the words of editor-in-chief publishers V. Krivtsov, forthcoming book Avers-7, which will be taken into consideration and presents the results of recent auctions and bidding models, including Max Show-2007, to which Mr. Krivtsov was also. Russian representatives who visited the camp noted the interesting selection faleristics and signs of early Soviet period and the Second World War.
Our guest from Russia, a famous collector and dealer of rare items Vasily Blinov first came to America and was very happy to come to USA , communication and so profitable transactions, which in his view, were significant to the outcome of the year.
I had the opportunity to meet with Mr. Blinov and ask a few questions about collecting items and the Russians about who their customers.
"In America I arrived the first time. Before that I was everywhere and probably traveled and participated in all major auctions, tenders and gathering of collectors - said Mr. Blinov Before visiting the United States, I have conducted some research and comparison of the life of the United States and Russia. For example, the salary of Secretary of State Dr. Condoleezza Rice, on the basis of tax return is 210 thousand dollars a year. I am having all four regular clients in Russia, earn more than 300 thousand dollars a year.
Our country, the Russian Federation, the territory and natural fossil far exceeded the United States. Yes, and our oligarchs - all collectors. Nadeau is somewhere to invest. And the very process of gathering - very interesting.
At the camp, I bought a few rare characters, which we in Russia are no longer find, and their prices are several times higher. The choice of material in America still great. Therefore, in the future, I plan often come to the United States and buy faleristic rarities collection. "
I thanked Vasily Blinov of interesting information and candid conversation.
Conclusion himself - and rising prices will rise.
And if you, dear readers, want to draw up a medal collection plates Soviet period, you should do so now, while prices are still relatively affordable and there is a choice collection of material.
Naturally, the imperial collection items Russia will rise in prices and decline in numbers.
Representatives of the first emigration go to the world different.
Their descendants - children and grandchildren born outside Russia are no longer interested in the history of things belonged to their fathers and grandfathers, for the frontiers of Russia exported after Oktyabrskaya revolution of 1917.
Emigrants second wave, many of whom served in the Wehrmacht parts, in the United States brought its era items, including German and Russian Guards Corps, the Russian Liberation Army, General Vlasov, Cossack People's Liberation Movement, the Ukrainian Rebel Army, 14 - Division Galiytchina " , the Baltic and Belorussian parts subsidiary Wehrmacht.
Such material in the Soviet Union had little today, collectors Russia, Ukraine and Belarus are willing to pay thousands of dollars for many of the original exhibits emigration.
Now the prices of items sold at Max Show-2007. Dirk SS officer in the chain of endowment signature Himmler - 250000 dollars (bought by a dealer from St. Petersburg).
Labor Order of Red Banner" Ukrainian Soviet Republic, the early vision (Owner of the world will be Labor) - 40000 dollars (dealer purchased from Kiev).
Saber award for bravery "with the sign of St. George (golden weapons) Czar Nicholas the Second period - 50000 dollars ( representative Salon collectors' weapons of St. Petersburg).
Dirk award for bravery "pilot with an engraving on the blade in the form of an airplane and a sign of St. Anne 4 - extent of the First World War period - 22000 dollars (bought by collector from Novosibirsk , Russia).
Turkish sword, 18-century type klytch in silver sheath decorated with a Damascus steel blade, signed by the master in excellent condition, bought dollars for the 12000 by Russian dealer of Rostov on the Don.
Gold portsigar ( cigarette case ) with lining Imperial double eagle in a diamond and enamel with the inscription endowment officer Preobrazhensky regiment manufactured in the workshops of Gustav Klingert ( Moscow) was bought by a dealer for 25000 dollars.
Police officers hussar kiver ( hat) period of Alexander the Third hallmarks wizard with a position acquired in a beautiful collector from Novosibirsk in 7000 dollars.
Form ROA ( Russian Liberation Army in WW2) officer set with the award of First degree Iron Cross, a medal for the Eastern legions first degree mark silver in the form of two crossed snakes for fighting guerrillas in its entirety complete with helmets, boots and a belt, some personal papers and pass papers signed Gaultiero Belarus Koch and gallery with the 54 personal photographs, as well as a family archive was acquired from Minsk dealer for 20000 dollars.
So Max Show-2007 a success, all were satisfied: the organizers, the participants, guests and dealers from many countries.
And I, as the author of the article, I wish all the readers become collectors and discover the new world of hobbies.